My first car was definitely fast and small. I’d never thought that my first car was going to be that old. When this car was made I wasn't even born.  Just imagine a blue car, antique, unique, and very easy to drive. There were people from all over my neighbor shouting at me and saying goodbye. First, I thought they were waving at me but later I notice that it was at my car. They found this Honda Civic 1979 a very funny car and a relic. I didn't mind that people were impressed with my car because it made me feel very important. I was very happy with my new car although it wasn't all that new, but I also found it kind of funny and it matched with my personality. We became very good friends I hanged out almost every day with him. I would make excuses just to go buy anything at the store near my house because since it was my first car I wanted to use it all the time. This car as funny as it looked was very cheap. I only had to pay thirteen dollars to fill up his tanker. I realized that this gift that my father gave to me for my birthday was very precious so I had to take really good care of it. Later on, after time passed I had to spend some money on the car to fix some things that were not working well. Right now, I still have my first car at my father’s house and he bought me a more modern one. My feelings for my first car have never disappeared. I still love my little blue Honda and I think I am never going to sell it. This car symbolizes my relationship with my father since he is a freak with antique cars and this is something we share in common. 

I see a woman well dressed in a blue tight short dress. She is wearing high heels, which they look easy to walk. Her heels are like the color of her skin. She looks white but with a little tan. Also she has a watch which is very beautiful and it matches with her clothes. What I love about her is that she has long hair that looks very manageable. She has done a beautiful makeup. I can see how she shapes her eyebrows with shade and how she colored her lips with a delicate color that does not stands out. She has these big lashes that make her eyes bigger. She has a natural shade on her eyes that combines with her eye color. She is leaning toward a white wall where her figure stands out because of the color of her dress. She looks relaxed and trying to pose for a picture to be taken. I notice this because she has her right hand up to her head. She looks like a model trying to sell this fashion dress. I also see that where she is at is like a house that is completely painted white inside of it. It has these rustic lamps on above her head, which are very unique. I notice that she is not wearing a lot of jewelry. She has simple earrings and a ring that matches her dress. I think that she chose a very proper dress that can be used in any occasion but if I wore it I will use it to a special romantic date.
Should marijuana use be legal? This is a question that many people all over the world argue about. In this case, the Debate Club in an article titled ""Should Marijuana use be legal?"" points out what are some of the arguments of many critics from legalizing the use of marijuana for non-medical purposes. Many people say that the marijuana is no more dangerous than the alcohol use. Others say that if the marijuana is legalized will increase the use of it among young people. Furthermore, others worry about people driving under the effects of this drug. This is a problematic that we should really consider before making any move because this would not only affect the young people but the world indeed. People think that this is a simple decision but I think it takes more than just deciding if we’ll legalize it or not. This decision can affect many aspects of our society. For example, critics talk about how this decision will affect the tourism industry. In case of Colorado the passage of Amendment 64 talks about removing the prohibition on commercial production, distribution and possession of marijuana for non-medical purposes. In fact in another article from the internet under the tab “markets”, people are questioning this move because they think that many tourists will flock to the state to enjoy this new freedom. They are considering the fact that it is possible that the rate of tourism get higher. However, in case of Puerto Rico politics are arguing about the results of the prohibition of the alcohol before and how this lead to disastrous results. They think that the best solution for addressing this issue is not to prohibit the use of the marijuana because it would increase the illegal trade, violence and corruption. This doesn't mean that the governor García Padilla is in favor of legalizing the use but it is an issue that furthermore will be seen in the senate. Nevertheless, the audience in the senate will take into consideration that a person over 21 years old will be given the chance to use one ounce. In despite, I think that things should stay the way they are because up to now everything has function the way it is supposed to and yes there are people that illegally use it and contribute to the smuggling but if we legalize it we won’t have control of it. I think things would get worse and all of the sudden the use of the marijuana will become as an every day routine. It will be like drinking a cup of coffee every morning. Society may become so addicted to it and it will have a greater effect on the economy of the country and the world indeed. As I mentioned before this is not an easy decision, we should consider all the possible consequences of it and then try to come up with solutions that can solve the problem in its entirety.  






Exercise: Sentence Fragments Exercise 1

1. F

2. F

3. C

4. F

5. C

6. C

7. C

8. F

9. C

10. F

11. F

12. F

13. F 

14. C

15. F

16. F

Results: 13/16

Exercise: Run-ons, Comma Splices, and Fused Sentences

1. He enjoys walking through the country, and he often goes backpacking on his vacations.

2. He often watched TV when there were only reruns; however, she preferred to read instead.

3. They weren’t dangerous criminals; however, they were detectives in disguise.

4. I didn’t know which job I wanted, because I was too confused to decide.

Results: 2/4

Exercise: Subject and Verb Agreement Exercise

1. are

2. are

3. are

4. are

5. don’t

6. doesn’t

7. is

8. lives

9. takes

10. want

11. is

12. are

13. knows

14. are

15. is

16. is

17. are

18. are

19. were; is

20. debate

21. lead

22. greet

23. are

Results: 18/23

Exercise: Eliminating Wordiness Exercise 1

1. Many local farmers plan to attend next Friday’s meeting.

2. Bradley Hall is usually filled with students who do not study the building as a structure.

3. He dropped out of school to support his family.

4. The bus company will probably announce its schedule during the next few days.

5. Any student who wants to meet foreign students can do so in many ways.

6. Rarely will you find someone who has never told a deliberate lie.

7. Disobeying safety regulations causes trouble.

8. Five out of more than a thousand students at a campus rally were arrested for disorderly conduct, and several others were charged by campus administrators with organizing a public meeting without a permit.

9. Students think that the most important subjects are those that will be useful after graduation.

10. Soon college freshmen must realize that they need to contact their advisors about their choices of majors.

11. Our company provides opportunities for professional growth and stability in the dynamic field of aerospace technology.

12. There are people who are for and people who are against capital punishment.

Results: 12/12

Exercise: Eliminating Wordiness Exercise 2

1. The cliffs dropped to the reefs seventy-five feet below, which were barely visible through the fog.

2. Their car is gassed up and ready for an all-night drive.

3. Sometimes Stan went running with Blanche, a good athlete on the track team at school.

4. Taylor brought some strange-tasting candy back from Europe that wasn't shaped like American candy.

5. Government leaders like to mention the creation of new jobs, claiming that these jobs indicate a strong economy, but ignoring the fact that low wage jobs without benefits and security have replaced many good jobs.

Results: 5/5

Exercise: Eliminating Wordiness Exercise 3

Many people who have not committed, seen, or solved a murder, or felt any desire to do any of the above, enjoy reading murder mysteries. Reading these books allows people to escape the monotony of everyday life.

Quiz on Prepositions

1.  at        

2. in

3. at

4. by

5. on

6. until

7. at

8. for

9. in

10. of

11. after

12. until

13. for

14. by

15. on

16. in

17. at

18. from

19. at

20. since

Results: 18/20

Exercise: Prepositions of Direction: To, On (to), In (to)

1. to

2. in

3. in

4. on

5. on

6. toward

7. into

8. on

9. on

10. on

11. to

12. into

13. on

14. on

15. toward

16. to

17. in

18. in

19. to

20. on

Results: 16/20

I will like you to revise my post the movie: never-ending love . Focus on the content and grammar.


like the Olsen sisters

Porque en cada sitio que estés,
Nos encontraremos unidos,
Uno en brazos del otro,
Es el destino
Es el destino
Porque en cada sitio que estés,
Porque en cada sitio que esté,
En las cosas que vives,
Yo también viviré
                                                                                            -Laura Pausini
                                                                                                           ""La amistad""

Just in that day our mother gave us birth we were born together. What distinguish us is who we are and the way we do things but I still believe that we are a like..

the truth about my life

asi yo vivo mi vida
Y asi yo vivo soñando
Que tu estaras a mi lado
Por siempre
Y asi yo vivo mi vida
Y asi yo vivo soñando
Que tu estaras a mi lado
Por siempre
A mi lado
No te vayas sin saber
Cuanto te amo
                                               -Brenda K Starr
this song describes the actual relationship with my mother, since she doesn't live with me, it kind of sums up how I feel about her. 

my adolescence.. 

 Since I was an adolescence I used to listen to Shakira, she was my favorite artist I started practicing my singing with her. Although my voice wasn't really that good like hers.   
Yaire as an inspiration for me. She with her great voice symbolizes my friendships as they have gone through my life.  
This song of Thalia can describe my love relationships in my adolescence stage and how I have overcome such and how I from the bottom had to confront life.  
Since she started to sing I was a fan of her and still I am a fan. I love her voice and love her style. She became my model when my voice got better. I started to appreciate music when I listen to her songs and later on started to evaluate my voice and worked on it to make it better. 
This song symbolizes the day I left Puerto Rico and went to live to Wisconsin with my mom. It describes how I felt towards my beautiful island and how I felt when I got in that plane and believed that I was ever coming back.  
I felt like this when I was separated from my family. I lived for several years like if I was dead. No light, no hope, no life... Everything was over. I felt like a ball being tossed back and forth waiting to be hit hard.  

my adult life

It reminds me the first time when I went to church here at Puerto Rico. This song is symbolically to me because describes how God change what I was and help me heal my wounds. It also describes how I break free from all those bad experiences that I had gone through in Wisconsin. 
Si una vez yo pudiera llegar 
a erizar de frio tu piel 
a quemar que se yo, tu boca 
y morirme alli despues 
Y si entonces 
temblaras por mi 
lloraras al verme sufrir 
ay sin dudar tu vida entera dar 
como yo la doy por ti. 
Quiero ser tu heroe 
si pudiera ser tu Dios 
porque salvarte a ti mil veces 
puede ser mi salvacion 
puede ser mi salvacion 
                                                   -Enrique Iglesias 
                                                              ""Quiero ser tu heroe""

I remember this song because it reminds me of my first teenage love. I was so in love with this boy that I met that I dedicated this song to him. Although, he never listen to it, this song became as part of our true love. It describes my feelings for him. 
Amarte es un placer 
no es cosa de ayer 
y te amo tanto como la primera vez. 
amarte es un deleite 
no fue cosa de suerte 
el encontrarte en el camino 
y entender que para siempre me perteneces. 

Me perteneces 
me perteneces 
un pacto de amor 
un pacto de amor entre tú y yo 
entre tú y yo 
que para siempre me perteneces 
y entender.
                                        -Abraham y Bethliza
                                                                      ""amarte es un placer""
This song became part of our relationship because he dedicated to me a day he was playing the piano. As his hands touched the piano and his eyes were closed I could feel what he was trying to tell me. I felt save and protected while he blessed everyone with his melody. 
This is the name that God gave to me. After I overcome everything with my true love I realized that God used him as a tool for me to be more engage with him and be a more spiritual person. I changed drastically after my commitment with God. I suddenly wasn't me anymore. I had become another person.  
I can identify with this song right now at this point of my life. Some people might criticize her video but I really feel that she was really her and she really went for it!!! 
Right now I want to live like this. I want to the best things I can do in life and I want to live as if was the last day!
If I have the chance to be in love again in some point of my life I will want to be looking forward to find out what love really is. 

theme song of my life

This song describes almost all the details about my life. The melody and words speak to me in way that it makes it part of my life. I believed that songs become part of our lives and makes us think about certain moments that we have experienced. I will never go back and relieve those bad experiences. I will keep moving on and never look back. I will never give up because I understood that this is LIFE!!
Since I got to the UPR different activities where all around the faculties while I was struggling to find the classroom where I was supposed to be. All new students start at the old building of “Generales”. It is a faculty that can be recognize easily in the first day of the semester. I can speak about this because I am a witness of it. I was one of those students that hide out in the bathroom so I didn’t get caught by the old students. Old students would make the new students dance “la pelua” and if they refused to dance the old students would followed them all over the university and teased them.

Therefore, if you go to the faculty of “Ciencias Sociales” you can see how the environment is different from the other faculties. When I went there once I was surprised because there was a talent fest going on. All students together clapping and shouting and judges were selecting the best singers. There were tables all around the activity selling T-shirts and jewelry. However, another day that I passed by the library I liked it because it was a very tranquil place to study. What I love about this faculty is that is near the “merenderos” and you can easily buy the food at lunch time without walking a long distance. I visited “Administración” when I was in my third year when I had to do a research for a math class. The library there has many good resources when you have to do a math project like I did.

Moreover, I visited once the faculty of “Naturales” and I saw that students have their own space. I say this because once I had to go because I wanted to take a math course at summer and I ask some students where was the place that I was supposed to go and they were so concentrated in what they were doing that they literally point to where I was supposed to go without even looking. Then, I went once to “Arquitectura” to help my friend that needed some sketches of houses for an assignment. He was from another university so he asked me for the favor. I really liked this faculty I found it very innovated and it was technological in terms of the equipment’s for student’s purposes in the library. I say that it was much innovated because there were some really design sculptures that captured my attention. I haven’t yet visit COPU so I don’t have much to say.

Although, I’m very proud to present you my faculty “Educación” I can tell you that all kinds of things are going on when you see future teachers doing homework at the library and trying to print off some paper to handle in on time. What I most like about my faculty is that no one there is paying attention to what some else is doing because students are so concentrated on finishing late work or working on any assignment. We also have two big tables where students use them to have some work done and a lot of benches where we take a nap before class. Last, but not least important is the faculty of “Humanidades”. Currently I take my English courses there and there are a lot of people that dresses with strange clothes but in a way that I like them. The clothes are very unique in style. Students sit in front of a theater and some of them would be almost all day talking about things. I don’t know if they really make it to class. Students at this faculty are very expressive and if they want to inform something they would make shirts, drawing at the walls, art, etc. They would make anything to get the attention of the people. I can’t say that I haven’t live new experiences at the different faculties of the Riopiedrense Campus and I’m expecting to keep learning from these experiences.

Regarding the article “A Collegiette’s Classification of UPR men, some of the ideas that she exposes about the faculties are true but if I want to talk about them I won’t do it in a negative way up to the point of criticizing all the student personalities. We are all very unique and diverse and I don’t think is right to identify some group of students with a rude name. As you can see I don’t really see the different faculties as she sees them and the way that I wrote about my experiences I found it appropriate and very accurately descriptive without going beyond limits.            

Adele is my favorite singer because I love how she sings and from the first moment that I listen to her songs it made me a different person. I really like to listen to her when is a rainy day is or when I’m depressing. It makes me feel better and I feel like I let everything out and I can keep going with life. I can feel her songs while I sing with her I feel like I have passed through the same experiences. I feel identified with her.  It is not just her voice what I love but the lyric that is very deep. I also love Jennifer Lopez because when I was a child my mom liked all her songs and had all her CD’s. She used to put all her hits while cleaning the house and I like it because it made cleaning as a fun thing to do. While she was listening to her songs we would dance and sing at the same time while cleaning our rooms and the kitchen. I like to listen to her obviously when I clean because it reminds me of my mom and also when I go party because she puts me in the mood to have fun and don’t think of the responsibilities that  I have in my every day. Christina Aguilera is one of my favorite singers because I started practicing my singing with her since I was a kid. I like her style and her fashioness. She is very unique with her music and with her music videos. I love to listen to her when I’m doing my makeup or my hair because I feel I do it better. Also her music helps me when I’m sad because it suddenly changes my mood and I don’t feel like that anymore. It is surprising that I haven’t gone to the concerts of these artists and this is maybe because when they have one it is too expensive and I can't afford it.  

List of Artists that I love!!!

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins


This site is full of pictures of Adele in all the events she has sung. It is very awesome because it has the latest images. There are many events presented were she has participate like the Academy Award Event and the 55th Annual Grammy Awards. One thing that is very useful is that this site has many news were you can find Adele involved. It is a good resource when wondering of her public life.


Something interesting in this site is that she has a blog were she can express her thoughts with her fans. She also has a forum where people can chat with her about anything they want to ask. There are also videos that she posted of her fans greeting her with compliments. This site is different because she comments about all the performances she has done and it lets us the fans know what is passing through her mind at that moment.


Wow! She even has a fan club where you can introduce yourself to her and say why you like her music. Also it has a chart with all her songs were you can vote for which one you like most. In that chart you can see which song is more popular than the other ones. Another thing that this site has is that it has listed the activities that she’s going to be doing like where she is going to celebrate her birthday. I think this site is a more personal view to her life. Like the other sites she has a list of her different blogs.  

singing Adele song
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Christina Aguilera


I like that this site because it has as an introduction where there is a list of the things you might be interested in. It has her collection of perfumes and you can also buy it online. There is a welcome note were she tells you what are the things she has done currently. It has all the magazines where she appears doing all kind of stuff. One of the magazines has a picture of her visiting Rwanda for charity work. She also has an organization that is a refugee camp where families receive food for over a month because her goal is for kids to have a better education.


A very cute link in this page “let there be love” and is also one of her new music videos. She has a chat box where you can communicate with her at any time. There is the hot news about her and here is where she also writes her love notes to her fans. She has an insider video where you can see her singing and recording her new music. I really liked this site because it has a variety of ways that you can keep in touch with her by face book, Twitter, tumbler, YouTube, etc.


I found out something different from all the other sites and that is that she has cool pictures with her moving in them, is like some kind of moving projection. Also there is a long letter where she says to her fans that she is really happy and feels in peace and she wants them to feel the same way. This site I found it very personal because she expresses how she feels about all the work she has done.  

Jennifer López


I like this fan site because she has a video where she says hi to all her fans and it has all this latest news about her like when she officially join American Idol. Also she has all the pictures where she appears in American Idol. This is very unique in a way that it has other links of other sites of her and ways to communicate with her. She also has a link “Features” where you can see all the events that she has participated with the picture and the description of it. It has a forum like all the other sites where you can chat with her.


I found out that this site has a link where you can see the current projects where she is working on. One amazing fact about her is that she has a new cell phone store at New York. We can see she is working in a lot of inventions and projects for her career. She also has a gallery of photos where she appears in different events. I like this site because she has a big picture on top where she looks very beautiful plus it has a message from her under the photo.


This site has a welcome message. It has the latest pictures and the elite affiliates. I like this site because in the left corner it has a list of tags where you click on them and it gets you to page you’re interested in. For example, there is a tag that has the name of Marc Anthony and I click on that and it opens all the news about Jennifer Lopez and Marc relationship. I personally don’t think that it is right to have a tag where you click on it and has news about your ex- partner because I think that what happens in your love relationship is very personal.  

Considering all the fan sites of the artists I chose I would have wanted that Jennifer Lopez and Adele presented to me some charity work they have done. It is very important to me that when you are so wealthy and like I always say ‘’life is treating you right ‘’ then why can you help others that really are in need. I would have preferred fewer pictures, videos and hot news and more of what they really are and what they can give. I can’t say that it was amazing to see how an artist can grow and become so popular. I think that looking at all of these sites I learned that for an artist is important to show her fans how fabulous is to be famous and what are the things they could do in their professional life. I found out there many other fans just as me that really like these artists. For example: Pitbull is a really good fan of Jennifer Lopez and Selena Gomez is a really good fan of Christina Aguilera. Also Paul Epworth is a fan of Adele and he also wrote the song Skyfall with her for the movie. We can see that there are artists that are fans from other artists and I think is great to have always someone that you really like and admire. In another way, I think that the internet is an essential tool not only to do research but to inform ourselves and find out about the new stuff that is happening out there in the world. Although, I think it should be essential in schools because this will get students involve with technology and innovation. Furthermore, teacher should use it as a teaching strategy.     

            There are many types of infantile violence such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, etc. We, as a responsible society,  should consider  any type of abuse as an important issue to handle. I would like to create an organization that leads to minimize the high percentage of infantile physical abuse in Puerto Rico. This organization is going to work with the root of this alarming situation that is happening not only in Puerto Ricans home, but in other parts of the world. One of the reasons that this is happening is because a child can be desperately calling for help but if the situation is not an extremely one we don’t concern of it or we don’t react to it. The irresponsibility that teachers, community members, government, parents, authorities have in terms of not carrying or not decoding the signals that a child can express when is passing through a traumatic experience is a cause for concern. We all live in our own bubble and it is not a concern to us if someone else is in danger. We are so engage with our every day routine that when we notice it, it already happened. My organization “Little Lights Up” is going to make a difference. It will be formed by a group that will look forward to go directly into any community rich or poor and inform people and concern them about what is infantile abuse and how can we identify the first signs of it. The organization will not only inform the Puerto Rican society because their will be a webpage that will also concern and involve all the people around the world with this issue. This organization is going to be so engage that it will also be formed by a team that will visit all the substitute homes where this kids live in and provide all the physiological help. Also, "Little Lights Up" is going to be in charge of gathering funds and used the money to help these kids with their basic needs. This problematic is a responsibility of all of us and that is why we are going to provide programs of counseling for parents about infantile abuse and for the teenager population their are going to be programs that will be informing them about the responsibility that there is when you choose to be a parent at an early age. Our major commitment will be to implement programs in schools that will inform students about birth control and the alternatives to look on when it involves such important responsibility. It is very important that we all work together as a team to prevent infantile abuse from happening. 
Reference to this problematic 

Right in the moment I sat on that bench things changed. I suddenly was different and felt different. It wasn't me anymore. I had become one of them. I started to feel that I was part of the family. Just in the moment that I looked to see what was going on, there he was. He was all dressed up in a formal way and all I could do was to gaze at him and listen to the music that carried along. I thought that I was at heaven. I could not believe that I was feeling something that I never felt, something that I would not even think of all this years. It was love. Things went fast, life was treating me differently and for once someone made me feel important. The only word I could use to describe our situation was pureness. All of a sudden, he changed. The glory that I almost felt on the tip of my fingers was gone. He the one became a shade from light. The days passed and not even a word was heard from him. Silence was all that could describe his behavior. After all the promises he made to me, they all disappear in the loneliness of my heart. This disappointment started when he took that decision. A decision made that has followed me and at the same time makes me furious and vulnerable. If I could just make things the way I wanted them to happen but sadly that wasn't the case. I knew that I wasn't born to reach happiness. The way things were going was too perfect to be true. This is the moment that I can say everything ended for me. My dreams, my goals, my thoughts, life and my beliefs were all in ruins. I didn't want to continue my journey without him, I couldn't. The decision he made ended with this impossible. An impossible because he wasn't the only one guilty, there were others who also committed this crime. Now I just dream of him and that’s all it is to be done. Therefore, dream with fantasy and illusions that will never come back. He is my angel of music and nothing will ever change he’s position. Even though I have move on with my life and I think he doesn't have the right to deserve my heart it will always belong to him. It will always go back where it was given life.  

  1. Theme Song: Adele "make you feel my love
  2. Story takes place: At a church
  3. Romantic/Dramatic Film
  4. Main Characters: 
  • I: Ashley Rodriguez
  • him: Anonymous