The sun rises and I feel the heat. My lips were very dry and salty and I almost felt if I was going to dehydrate. This was a moment were you can realize that some kind of force let you live. I was pushed by something so hard and couldn't control my body movements, just pass through the experience. All I could do at that moment was to ask myself, am I going to live or this is it?  Then, I closed my eyes and told myself “this is it”. How did this happen to me? Why would life be done for me this way? Suddenly, I remember the advice my aunt gave to me that day in the morning before arriving to this place but I didn't pay attention to her words. I was in a hurry to get early to the place and was to busy to listen to her. After everything ended I learned the lesson. I almost lost my life but now I know how important is to listen to someone who really loves you and cares about you. I told my aunt the experience I went through and she said “I’m glad that you are OK and that you learned that when I alarm you about something is because I know it is dangerous”. These words were so strong to me that now when I go out with my friends I always stop and listen to what she has to say.  

Frances Adorno
10/25/2013 05:16:33 am

I never have experienced that kind of feelings before, but it must've been horrible. The important thing is you learned a lesson. You have a good writing skills.

10/26/2013 03:38:32 pm

I have experienced those feelings of "this is it" and it's horrible, now I'm scared of the beach. You had me intrigued! I kept thinking "what place?" and "what pulled her"? Haha. It was short and precise, it was good!!

10/27/2013 11:58:04 am

All I could think about, while reading this was: "What is she describing?" I've experienced that feeling, and it's horrible. Good description!

10/28/2013 07:59:13 pm

I havent been in that situation, but it have to be horrible. But, what its important is that you learned from it, and started to see life in a different way. About the grammar, it was good, and very descriptive. Nice Work!

11/1/2013 10:37:09 am

Wow!! nice work! It really had me intrigued. I loved the way you described your senses and what you were feeling both physically and emotionally. I would have liked for you to have written more of the story, like how did you get saved? what beach was it? Other than that, great job!


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